Liquidity & withdrawals
Liquidity locking
Liquidity added to the selected Uniswap pairs is locked and can only be withdrawn with a withdrawal fee. Read more about the taxes here.
When you add the liquidity, you should expect it to be permanent. While it's possible to withdraw it, this action will bear a high fee and the fee amount may change in the future with BUILD governance voting.
How to withdraw liquidity?
Head over to, select the pair you wish to withdraw liquidity from, and click on the withdraw button. Note that this will bear a high withdrawal fee which will be redistributed back to the remaining LPs.
If you're already staking, you need to unstake first for the withdrawal button to appear.
Known limitations
Due to the method used to detect Uniswap withdrawal action, liquidity withdrawal bears the withdrawal fee only if there was at least one transfer after the liquidity has been added. In practice, we don't expect this to have any significant effect on the fees as it's unlikely anyone would add and remove liquidity in a matter of minutes.
Last updated
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